Posts Tagged “anki”:

Anki - Dynamic Efficient Learning Steps With Feedback

Use the average ease of mature cards as feedback to generate efficient learning steps for new cards. **Udate 2018-03-14:** Addon coded; see bottom of page. ## In a Nutshell Create 5 learning steps for each deck with steps 3-5 based on the initial ease factor of the deck (which is... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki - Auto Adjust New Cards per Day to Meet a Deadline

A lot of students use Anki to study for an up-coming exam. And in that case, you want to make sure that you see all the new cards by some arbitrary deadline (leaving ample review time before the exam). Conceptually, it's easy to adjust the new cards per day setting... [Read More]
Tags: anki

My Current Anki Deck Settings

## In a nutshell Here are the settings I currently use for most of my decks: ### New Cards 1. Steps: 15 2160 10080 40320 2. Order: Show new cards in order added 3. New cards/day: *varies* 4. Graduating Interval: 45 days 5. Easy Interval: 4 days (*not used; I... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki And The Hidden Dangers Of Filtered Decks

## In a Nutshell If you move a card in the *learning* queue into or out of a filtered deck (including by rebuilding or deleting the deck), then Anki will set all learning cards to *new* status and re-learning cards back to *review* status. While not quite a fix, you... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki - The Power of Making New Cards on the Fly

OK, so you've found Anki and started using it, or you've used it for a long time and you're taking advantage of the efficiency of spaced repetition. Maybe you've studied Piotr Wozniak's "20 Rules" article, so you're formatting your cards well too. But how do you handle leeches? How do... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki Auto-Adjust New Interval After A Lapse

## In a nutshell The code below will loop through each of your deck options groups, find the success rate for post-lapse reviews, and attempt to adjust the *Lapse New Interval* percentage to hit an 85% average success rate. ## Background Previously, I wrote about using efficient settings for the... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Open The Anki Database From Python

At some point, you might want to script something to open up the Anki database and collect some information without having to run as an add-on. For example, I have a script that runs from cron. It copies the anki collection to the /tmp directory and then opens it up,... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Thoughts On A New Algorithm For Anki

I've had some thoughts about a change to the way Anki handles ease factors. ## UPDATE: 2018-01-08 I've shared out the experimental addon that does exactly what I describe in this article. See [experimentalCardEaseFactor]( on Github. ## In a nutshell Instead of simply increasing the ease factor a little when... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki New Interval After A Lapse

## In a nutshell In deck settings, set the *New Interval* under the *Lapses* tab to make the new interval of forgotten cards a percentage of their previous interval. Ideally, play with this percentage until you have an 80-90% success rate on re-learned cards. ## Anki's default behavior I'm pretty... [Read More]
Tags: anki

What Anki Learning Steps To Use

Anki, and spaced-repetition in general, are geared towards retaining information you've already learned rather than learning new information. That's because in general, flashcards are good at reminding you of some learning experience, but not so good at creating a memorable experience to begin with. Still, Ank provides some support for... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Target An 80-90 Percent Success Rate In Anki

## In a Nutshell Adjust the interval modifier in Anki's deck options until you're getting 80 to 90% of your reviews correct. Anki isn't going to do this for you. ## Anki isn't magic If Reddit's Anki forum is any indication, new Anki users seem to think that Anki has... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Anki's Starting Ease Factor Setting

## In a Nutshell For each deck options group in Anki, set the initial ease factor to the average ease factor of the mature cards in that deck options group. **UPDATE 2017-02-15:** I completed an addon to do this automatically for all decks. **To install** from within Anki, use Tools... [Read More]
Tags: anki

Working On Anki Auto-Calibrate

I'm working on an addon for Anki that will do the following things for deck options that you select: * Set starting ease factor of cards to the average ease factor of cards with intervals > 90 days * Adjust the interval modifier to try to hit your selected success... [Read More]
Tags: anki